When it was announced mobile phone iPhone 4S all felt frustrated by the mobile phone screen remained the same and I'm talking about the length of the screen to 3.5 inches were not 4 inch or Galxa such as a power of 2? Well here a clarification from the point of view Dustin Curtis, who says that the use of the upper right corner of the screen mobile phone Galxa a power of 2, which has a screen length of 4.27 inches in the street, for example, the maps of Google was frustrating to a large extent and difficult, especially when using one hand. but when you use the iPhone 4 it was easy to gain access to parts of the screen and into the upper part, which was meant.
Course of the graph that illustrates the idea before you and it could be very reasonable because the touch screen than the big touch screen that is a 3.5-inch
Course of the graph that illustrates the idea before you and it could be very reasonable because the touch screen than the big touch screen that is a 3.5-inch
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