Unlock 5.1.1 using SAM tickets with Redsn0w

With latest version of Redsn0w, you can now unlock iOS 5.1.1 with restore SAM activation ticket, you can also include SAM activation tickets in Jailbreak process using new option in Redsn0w, so we offer you this guide to how to do this.
In the past, manual method available to restore activation tickets for SAM, but now the process has become much easier and you can perform on any iPhone, just all you need is to follow this steps:

Step 1:  You should download the latest version of RedSn0w :
the SAM tickets must be reserved previously.
Step 2: Jailbreak your device, first put your device on DFU  mode, and click at Jailbreak and the process will begin, then check at (install Cydia), after that your device should reboot and you will find Cydia at your homescreen.

Step 2: Now you need to restore SAM  tickets with Redsn0w, just click at Extras then Even more then Tickets and then select the Lockdown.zip, that you saved previously. And you'll see a message indicating that the ticket has been uploaded to the device.

Step 3: Now reboot your device, and insert your sim.

that's all, i hope this guide help you to restore you SAM tickets and unlock the iPhone.   


KingLuc said...

Does this still work if I have not got a SAM ticket yet?

Anonymous said...

@KingLuc Nope..

Anonymous said...

I haven't backup my previous SAM ticket. Is it possible to use others ticket?

Anonymous said...

We have any option to unlock if we don't have a Sam ticket?

aSxX said...

without SAM ticket have you succeeded to unlock?

Anonymous said...

how do i get SAM tickets?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is it possible to use factory unlock iphone sam tickets to unlock?

Anonymous said...

just call att and they'll unlock it for free but the downfall is you'll have to wait a week for the unlock

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